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Friends, Investing isn't hard, you are just doing it wrong

I stumbled on Wall Street with one dumb mistake after another before realizing that it wasn’t me -- it was a system rigged against the little guy. Ultimately though I refocused my skills as a reporter and analyst to beat the pros at their game.

Before explaining how I learned to grow wealth in hostile markets, let me introduce myself.

Jon Markman

I'm Jon D. Markman, a Father, grandfather, fantasy football addict, golfer, and Wall Street historian. I am not an industry pro though I have run a stat-arb hedge fund developed dozens of successful quantitative strategies, published a successful market newsletter for more than twenty-five years and authored five books on trading.

What really motivates me now -- before stepping off into a relaxing retirement of golf, tennis and travel -- is a sense of indignation when I see friends and family brutalized by dumb investment theories and predatory stock salesmen.

I have become obsessed with injecting the whole messy investment business with truth serum. And that is why I have persuaded my son Joe, a serial entrepreneur and operations expert -- and a couple of amazing longtime staffers -- to join me in creating four fresh, low-stress, interconnected investment newsletters that we hope will offer the best advice for investors of all ages at a fair price.

Let's cut through the clutter together, make some good money, and have fun along the way. After years in the trenches, here are some key findings that will guide us:

  • Most stocks suck. Throw 97% of stock out because most companies are self-centered, stupid and dangerous. More on this later.
  • Stick to “growth” stocks over “value” because they offer more provable upside.
  • Stick to tech over other sectors, especially when it's under attack.
  • Stick to techs focused on the great digital transformation, the most important business development of this century. 
  • And most importantly, set a firm foundation of index funds in your portfolio because it is damned hard to beat the market no matter how clever you think you are. 

Individual stocks, leverage ETFs, options and futures can add valuable spice to a portfolio in small doses, but they cannot be the whole meal due to the high risk of wipeout losses. 

The first rule of investing, after all, is to avoid losing. The second rule is to avoid losing big. In short, heed the guidance of legendary banker Walter Wriston: 

"Capital goes where it is most wanted and stays where it is best treated." 

This 3% solution is not taught in schools and you will not hear about it during investment forums or on CNBC. It's an approach I developed after hundreds of hours of testing both in the lab and in live trading.  - learning more from failure along the way than success. That's a contrarian posture I learned from a top hedge fund manager when I asked about his education, "Jawwwnnn!" he bellowed into the phone with a thick New Jersey accent, " I have a PhD in losses!"

In summary, I urge you to stop the endless scroll for short-term stock wins and instead join the ranks of savvy, patient investors who for years have depended on Markman Capital Insight newsletters to help them build fortunes in industries like artificial intelligence, networking, and mobile computing way before the crowd.

These reports and recommendations are intended to teach, enrich, warn, and entertain. Your struggle is my struggle – and your victories are our victories. We are on your side in a never-ending bid to make enough money for a carefree retirement and to neutralize the rapacious pros who are a never-ending threat to that goal. 

Stop the endless scroll for exclusive stock wins. Join the ranks of savvy investors at Markman Capital, where proven strategies pave the way to a carefree retirement. 


$15,000 ➡️ $3,456,000!

I have been a long-time subscriber, beginning in 2009. Based upon his newsletter in July 2014, I had the good foresight to invest $15,000 in Nvidia and held on ever since. With a 4 to-1 stock split that $15,000 is worth $3,456,000 as of mid-August(2024). For me, this was a stock buy of a lifetime. Getting this newsletter was certainly worth its price. 

Fred L Fred L

Ultimate stock market geek

He is the ultimate stock market geek. To me, Jon Markman = credibility.

Jim C Jim C

Thank you Markman Capital!

As I talk about Jon to my friends and family, I focus mostly on the fact that I've followed him for over 20 years. He gives clear investing advice in high-growth industries that make it easy for me to determine when to get in and when to get out. And on top of that he will take complicated topics and break them down in a way anyone will understand.

Bob B Bob B

A Beacon of Discernment

What appeals to me is that he just has a thoughtfulness and decree of intelligence and integrity that is unmatched in media.

Rachel C Rachel C

Bought a house

You guys financed my first house!

Andrew P Andrew P

I'm a lazy investor, I want to focus on my personal life

The bigger picture is I am a lazy investor. I don't want to find out what these companies do and I want to focus on my personal life. Every morning I read his letter and get a pulse for the market. He consolidates what is happening now. … I love investing and I love growing money. This newsletter is a great way to do this. … It’s one place to observe the latest trends of our world, whether it is the cloud, cashless payments, autonomous driving, Internet advertising… etc.. I don't know where else you would find a newsletter that covers all this in only a 5- to 10- minute read.

Gary S Gary S

Featured In


Getting the 'right research’ is the Holy Grail of getting returns for now and retirement for later


Markman Capital’s newsletters have been leveling the playing field between the pros and retail investors for over 30 years!

If Wall Street did its job fairly there would be no need for our service. But the brokerage business is fundamentally broken, putting brokers’ greed over customers’ success. The investment community has left people like you and me on our own.

All right, fine....

We have learned to do something about it, working together to exploit the constantly changing world that seeks to isolate us instead.

We urge members to view investing in technology not as a set of independent decisions but as interlocking blocks on a path that lead directly to short-term goals such as current income and long-term goals such as retirement.

Our approach stems from a firm belief that stock ownership is the smartest way for middle-class individuals and families to grow their wealth dramatically over time.

In the world of investing, lacking the Strategic Advantage is like navigating without a map.

In the world of investing, lacking a strategic advantage is like navigating without a map.

Finally, an independent researcher that gives me the inside scoop, in a way that is easy to understand and make money with.

We must acknowledge that MOST STOCKS SUCK.

This paradox lies at the heart of most investors’ lack of success in markets. Embrace the challenge of investing with a humble understanding of its complexities, yet remain steadfast in seeking out strategies that can outsmart the Wall Street status quo

The assessment that most stocks suck forms the baseline of our approach. It may sound harsh, but this is not just our opinion. A shocking, groundbreaking study by finance professors recently found that just 3% of all stocks in the market over the past 100 years have been responsible for 97% of the market’s success. If your portfolio does not have significant exposure to the 3%, your returns will lag the broad market dramatically over time.

The professional investment community knows this very well, and yet it continues to recommend investors buy the 97% of stocks that are clunkers by calling them “value” plays. That marketing term is used to justify ownership of weak stocks because brokerages’ main business is selling stuff to the weakest companies to prop them up, such as bond and stock offerings.

Fred L

Long Time Subscriber: Fred L.

Husband, Father, Lawyer and Investor

Based upon this newsletters I invested $15,000 in Nvidia in 2014. That $15,000 is now worth $1,500,000

The 'Complete Portfolio' with Markman Capital


Foundational ETFs - 60% Of Your Portfolio

Keep it simple. Fire and forget. Quite possibly the only investment advice you will ever need.

  • What you get: 3-6 index funds that form the large, solid base of your entire portfolio. Daily market commentary from our reporters. And lastly, an insanely successful string of leveraged Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) trade recommendations.
  • When you get it: 5x a week. Learn of technical analysis and market news developments that affect your funds. During market downturns, learn when to add to your positions.
  • Why you want it: 52% of all wealth created in the stock market in the last 100 years came from just 72 companies. Our foundational approach aims to include most of these long-term winners. Forming the baseline for growing wealth.

This is your 'If I only do one thing," thing.

Price: $299 / year -- or $29 / month

Learn more about the 72 Companies

Digital Creators & Consumers

Digital Creators & Consumers - 20% Of Your Portfolio 

Remember those 72 companies? We have the ETFs to cover them all, now let's also own them individually to really supercharge the returns.

The great digital transformation has been invented and driven by the small but mighty group of software, hardware, and service providers followed in this newsletter for the past 20 years under the name “Strategic Advantage.” We changed the name to highlight our focus on the master digital craftsmen and key customers.

  • What you get: Fresh tech analysis plus a portfolio of 12+ stocks sets that are driving the digital transformation.
  • When you get it: Up to 2-3x per week (e.g. Tuesday-Thursday).
  • Why you want it: Make a fortune on the technology changing the world and stay current with the companies using it. 

These are the 3% of stocks that do not suck.

Price: $750 / year -- or $75 / month

Digital Leverage

Digital Leverage- 10% Of Your Portfolio 

Let's not forget about leverage. This service, formerly known as Tactical Options, deploys proprietary new software in combination with our many years of data and volatility analysis to recommend options of large and liquid stocks for quick returns.

  • What you get: Up to 20 short-term trade recommendations per month in near-or next-month options and leveraged ETFs.
  • When you get it: News update once a week + concise short-term trades 2-5x/week.
  • Why you want it: Trading leveraged instruments helps you turn higher risk into higher rewards.

Leverage is what turns a nest egg into a four-star omelet. However, the extreme volatility involved is not for everyone. Tread lightly at first if you are new to options. Trade the recommendations yourself, or we can introduce you to pro who will trade the system for you on a commission basis.

Price: $2000 / year -- or $200 / month (This is a limited, introductory price.)

Digital Futures

Digital Futures - 10% Of Your Portfolio

You cannot trade this one on your own. It's too complicated and quite frankly, proprietary. If you are aware of futures, you know that the leverage here is truly approaching absurd. We have been testing systems for 8 years waiting for one to pass all of our tests. And,

It's finally here.

  • What you get: Introduction to pro futures traders authorized to trade our model. Money is held at a designated broker and traded in a personal account visible at the end of day to members.
  • When you get it: Authorized broker trades 0 to 5 per day on our signals. Most trades closed by EOD.
  • Why you want it: Quantitative model with a human touch goes long or short, 0 to 15 trades per week, allowing members to have 360-degree to market developments around the clock.

This is our touch of spice, the vehicle to drive way larger returns much more quickly. There is inherently more risk here, but without risk comes no reward.

Due to the demand, we will only be releasing 14 spots at a time. Members of ‘The BOMB’ squad, get first chance and immediate entry into this program.

Price: $3,000 / year -- or $300 / month 

The Investment Puzzle

Investing is an art as much as it is a science.

The science is figuring out the puzzle pieces, the art is putting them together correctly.

After 30+ years of independent investment research, we have it nailed. Guaranteed*.

If you're not happy with our service we offer a no questions asked refund policy for what you have yet to use. 


*Results are in no way guaranteed. Past results are no guarantee of future returns. All accounts may not achieve comparable results. Recommendations are leveraged and speculative, so only use risk capital -- i.e., money you can afford to lose. All results show ex-commissions and fees. Options trading involves the risk of substantial loss. 

Shape 1 Shape 2
🤟 The bomb aka that big ol Markman bundle

Want the perfect portfolio?
Get our Big Ol’ Markman Bundle, aka The BOMB!

All this for $604 $500/month

That’s a savings of over 20% off the combined subscription price when paid annually

Plus Icon
Foundational ETFs
Baseline for building wealth and daily market update
$29/ Month
Digital Creators & Consumers
Flagship service explains Wall Street and recommends the 3% of stocks that don't suck
$75/ Month
Digital Leverage
Leveraged trading creates income for now and boosts nest eggs for later
$200/ Month
Digital Futures
This is our touch of spice, the vehicle to drive way larger returns much more quickly.
$300/ Month

Jon Markman's #1 Trade For 2025. Capitalize on this Secret Tidal Wave of Investment